Berkowitz & Associates, P.A.
(561) 982-7800 | [email protected]


Over the course of the last few weeks, I have met with a lot of my business clients regarding issues that they have been having with their employees. Most business owners realize that their staff and employees are truly important to the success of their business. However, what many business owners may not realize or...
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I have always believed that the traditional role of a woman, as a full time mom, is one of the least appreciated jobs on the planet. It seems as if society has made it that way due to the fact that moms dont earn big six figure salaries for their time and efforts, they dont...
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If you have been following the media, you have probably noticed many recent reports regarding the number of gov – ernment contracts that are being awarded to large businesses over small businesses, especially when awarding con – tracts overseas. Although the government goal is to award 23 percent of all government contracts to small businesses,...
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Many of you might not be aware of this but the U.S. government has a great financial grant program available for inventors, developers, visionaries and innovators. As a business attorney and someone who helps- busi nessmen and women take action to start, grow and expand their dreams of entrepreneurship, I come into contact with many...
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Fresh o a trip with my family to the most magical place in the world, Walt Disney World, I am inspired to continue with my focus on how business owners deal with customers, clients and patrons. It is always amazing to me how each and every person that I come in contact with, while on...
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By the time you read t-his ar ticle you have either: led and paid your taxes, led your tax returns and not paid, or led extensions. There may even be a few of you, and hopefully that is a very small group of my readers, that have done none of the above and are willing...
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I have a few clients who have developed some tremendous products and services and consider their competition to be slim to none.T hose types o- f prod ucts and services are often one of a kind, many of them very highly technical, and are often highly specialized and developed for a relatively small population. Unfortunately,...
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I have been working wi-th a cli ent that believes he possesses one of the most robust and technological breakthroughs that the world has seen in the last 50 years. The group is comprised of two technologists and a business development and operati-ons part ner. During the last six years, the business partners have been...
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The previous articles in this series on Trademark-s, Ser vicemarks and Tradenames addressed the purpose, reason, and de nitions of Trademarks, Servicemarks and Tradenames. In examining the purpose o-f obtain ing Trademark protection, I stated that if you have any desire- to pos sess any Intellectual Property for your business you must obtain the maximum...
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Part Two of Three-Part Series In the rst installment of this series- on Trade marks I de ned what a Trademark was and the types of things that are able to be registered as a Trademark. Always keep in mind tha- t, the ulti mate goal for having a Trademark is to provide you, the...
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